Into The Fog with Peter Laws
Scary true storytelling told with immersive audio. Catch the Video Version on YouTube (links in show notes for each episode) or listen on the go with this audio edition.
Note: Peter Laws was the previous host of 'Frightful', but going forward his 'Frighful' style content will be found on Into The Fog.
Into The Fog with Peter Laws
28. World's Wildest Exorcist - The Terrifying Life of Rev Donald Omand
Video version HERE
Prepare to meet one of the most astonishing, and yet barely known people, in the paranormal field…a Church of England vicar who felt called to become an exorcist. He travelled the world, particularly in the 1970s, to confront not only demonically possessed people but what he believed were demonically possessed places.
Prepare for a series of frightening encounters from devils, possessed animals and vampires, to the mysteries of Loch Ness and the Bermuda Triangle. This vicar’s extraordinary adventures will leave you on the edge of your seat.
I’ve spent the last year researching this man, tracking down new information about his life, interviewing people who knew him, for a supernatural biography that I cannot believe is not well known…
I’m Peter Laws, inviting you into the fog to join one man’s global battle against the forces of darkness…
Meet the Rev. Donald Omand…and the Astonishing Life Story of the World’s Wildest Exorcist.
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Core Source:
‘The Devil Hunter’ by Marc Alexander (sadly out of print and very expensive!)
For more on Peter Laws check out: